Thursday 6 December 2012

Comment on Ek Naye Cinderella Episode 6

This episode reflects the excitment of Mesha to go to Mayor's house as it is their family tradition.

Mesha is still crazy about Mayor and she does not follow the complete instructions of Roman.But she looks cute in doing stupid things.

Their family traditions are not appreciatable, I don't know what's the  advantage of chosing a bride like this. Well Mayor has already selected her bride so this ceremony of Anchal is meaningless.

Mayor's personality is not so impressive, he has nothing except wealth. He doesn't give good  expressions.Still he is in the dark and he doesn't recognize Mesha. This shows that his feelings are not pure.

Roman's jokes and conversation with all charactors are great. With his polite and caring nature he developes friendship with Mesha's grandmother.

Roman gives many tips to Mesha but she always does her own choice. Her   attraction towards Mayor should be stopped now.

It seams that Roman's aunty has not good intensions towards Roman. Well before next episode we cannot say it so confidently.   

Still waiting for the next episode.

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