Sunday 25 November 2012

Ek Naye Cinderella

One of our most favourite and loveable play at this time, a remake of the popular fairy tail in a modern Pakistani setting. Some of the effects are quite comic in nature and give one a refreshing feel. The main character Meesha is quite innocent and at the same time wise well beyond her young age.

The Play is written by Faiza Iftikhar, known for Manchalay, Yahan Pyar Nahee Hai, and Bilqees Kaur, to name a few...

About the Plot

Meesha lives with her stepmother, two step sisters and her "granny". Meesha meets Mayer who is a wealthy and handsome man, in a carnival one day. She immediately falls for his charm, looks and wealth. That is when Romaan comes into her life, his character is quite amazing and his witty personality introduces color and life to the play. He has no wealth but a beautiful heart. He introduces himself as a Parizaad, which in all her innocence she actually believes. He offers to assist Meesha in her quest to win over Mayer's heart. Of course Romaan has the deepest of feelings for her, one can see a tragedy in the making for the poor soul....  

Meesha is living in a fantasy where she is looking for a Prince Charming who will come into her life and this will solve all her troubles. She will soon realize that she does not need an idealized prince to solve her problems but a man like Romaan who has a loving and caring nature and is human enough to be loved. Mehr (Saba Hameed) who our Meesha's stepmother wishes Mayer to marry her elder daughter and sees Romaan as en eligible candidate for her younger daughter.

Since the play is currently on air, we are waiting to see what Meesha will do next. How will she finally get disenchanted from Mayer's charm. How she will discover her feelings for the lovable underdog Romaan and accept that he is her one true soul-mate... :)

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